Friday, March 30, 2007

KNUT MAKES VANITY FAIR!Aw, I wonder if this is the first time an animal makes the cover? This little guy is precious! I WANT HIM! If ya wanna know who Knut is, go to DLISTED.

"We're confident we have sufficient evidence to prove that her license was suspended and that she had knowledge of that suspension," said Nick Velasquez, a spokesman for the city attorney's office.
Hilton could face up to 90 days in jail if a judge finds she violated her probation, he said.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Lucky Luke Intro
11 of the 7-11 stores will be changed to Kwik-E-Marts. Which means that there will not be any around here. But it is a cool idea. Read more at BOINGBOING.
COURTNEY GOES BACK TO THE BEACHWith her new pretty body. She really does look good. If you wanna see more pics, go to A SOCIALITE'S LIFE.

That's Natasha Lyonne from American Pie, ya know, the one who threatened to molest a dog once or something. She had drug problems and all that, but anyway, check it out at DLISTED.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Yes, Paris Hilton and Josh Henderson are still dating. Ho is TOTALLY not hot enough for my girl. Dammit, bring back Stavros!!! See the rest at A SOCIALITE'S LIFE.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
. . . .



Does Kid Rock have something special that we don't know about??? I mean, I don't think he's very cute. But then, you gotta take under consideration that this chick, May Andersen, also dated Steve-O. Ok, so it's her, she'd just an idiot.

The “Entourage” arriviste has reportedly been warned to keep away from Nobu Matsuhisa’s restaurant empire after boorish behavior in Aspen during the recent U.S. Comedy Arts Festival.
“He was asked never to return to Matsuhisa in Aspen by a manager,” alleges a snitch.“He came in with a large group of 12 or more without reservations and asked for a table. It was a very busy night, but a table, although cramped, was provided. On his way out, he made a nasty comment to the manager: ‘Thanks for nothing.’”
Piven was at the HBO-sponsored festival to appear on a panel with fellow “Entourage” stars. Allegedly his tip also left something to be desired.
“He left a DVD of the first year of ‘Entourage’ to one of the waiters. [An employee] ran up the stairs and hurled it at him as he was leaving.”
The actor was tartly advised to steer clear of Nobu outposts in New York and Los Angeles as well (although they are managed separately).Piven said through his rep: “I’m such a fan of Nobu and all of his restaurants. I had a great dinner at the Nobu in Aspen. As always, the meal was excellent and the service was great.”

Monday, March 26, 2007
Goodnight, Marshall Rogers
Comics have lost another luminary. Details are still sketchy, but word came earlier today that Marshall Rogers died yesterday or Saturday. The cause of death was not immediately disclosed.
Rogers was born on January 22nd, 1950 in Flushing, New York.
From “DC Profiles #26” which appeared in 1978 (courtesy of the Marshall Rogers Fan Site):
Of all DC's rapidly rising new stars, Marshall Rogers' ascent has been swiftest of all. In less than a year, Marshall has gone from back feature artist to first-stringer on Detective Comics and Mr. Miracle.
Marshall almost didn't make it to comics. His studies in art school concentrated on architecture, but after two years of studying designing parking lots and shopping centers, Marshall decided "the world wasn't ready for another Frank Lloyd Wright" and left school seeking fame and fortune in the comic field.
Unfortunately, the comics world was not yet ready for Marshall Rogers. For the next two years, he worked in a hardware store while doing occasional illustrations for mass circulation magazines and sharpening his artistic skills.
Apparently, those two years did the trick. Marshall broke into comics, landing a stint pencilling for Marvel's Britain weeklies.
Not long after, Marshall showed up at DC Comics, portfolio in hand, and was given his first assignment: a two part Tales of the Great Disaster story for Weird War Tales. That was followed by some mystery stories, a Tales of Krypton piece and a four part feature in Detective Comics featuring a new villain named The Calculator. His work on the latter led Editor Julie Schwartz to hand Marshall a real plum for a newcomer: pencilling the book length Batman versus the Calculator story in Detective Comics. What came next surprised even Marshall. The powers that be assigned Marshall to Detective as the regular penciller. And he almost immediately picked up the art chores on the newly-revived Mr. Miracle book as well.
"What I try to do," Marshall told DC Profiles, "is first think of what's been done before and then I discard that and try to approach it from a completely different angle." After looking over Marshall Rogers' work, we'd have to say he's found his different angle.
Beginning in the late 1970s, Rogers’ career covered many different characters, Rogers is best known for his Batman work when collaborating with writer Steve Englehart. The two first worked together on the character in Detective Comics #471-#476 (inked by Terry Austin), and for years, their version of the character was considered to be the definitive one – a dark, brooding hero who stayed to the shadows and flowed with a natural grace.
An architect by training, Rogers' work always stood out for its attention to detail, from the cityscapes of Gotham and articulated (and realistic) muscles of the heroes, to the different techniques he would employ, from bold blacks and zipatone to a wide array of others.
Rogers work was seen in many other comics from the major publishers including brief runs on DC's Mr. Miracle, Marvel’s Silver Surfer, and Dr. Strange as well as a wide variety of independent titles: Detectives, Inc., Coyote (again with Englehart), his own Capt. Quick and the Foozle, and Scorpio Rose.
Rogers left comics for a period in the early ‘90s to work in videogames, but returned later in the decade, where his work was seen in projects such as Green Lantern: Evil’s Might and most recently, Marvel Westerns: Strange Westerns Starring The Black Rider, and Batman: Dark Detective, a continuation of his and Englehart’s story from Detective Comics two and a half decades earlier. The two were reportedly considering a third installment of the larger "Dark Detective" story.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007

America's Next Top Model did this murder photo shoot thing, which I think is totally awesome. The National Orginization for Women do not. They have a problem with it. Something about violence against women . . . . WHATEVER. Oh, now I understand, cuz looking at these pictures suddenly makes me wanna go out and murder a woman. See the rest of the pics at MOLLYGOOD.

I'm not even gonna post the pics here, but if you wanna see Michael Jackson's creepy ass pics with his nephew, go see them at SOW. Those pictures are just wrong in SO many ways.

To see better pictures, check it out at IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Aw, he's still a cutie tho!
AN "AWWW" MOMENTMaddox napping with his new brother Pax. Angelina Jolie sure has some cute kids!!!
THIS REHAB CRAP IS GETTING RIDICULOUSThis trend is sure catching on quick. What a way to get a little publicity. Are celebrities getting THAT bored? Spend your money on a charity or something, because you know damn well rehab isn't gonna change you. It will just be wasted money! I'm grouchy today.
This statement was released by his publicist:
"On Monday, March 19, Jesse Metcalfe entered a rehab facility to deal with alcohol issues. He realized he had a problem and was anxious to deal with it immediately. The actor, best known as the hunky gardener on the ABC show 'Desperate Housewives' and the star of the film 'John Tucker Must Die,' hopes that the media will allow him the privacy to deal properly with his treatment."
SHE'S NEXTTo go to rehab:
TMZ has learned Vivica A. Fox has been busted for DUI.It happened last night on the 101 Freeway in the San Fernando Valley at 10:57 PM. We're told Fox passed a marked black and white while going approximately 80 mph. Sources say the officers went after the 2007 Cadillac Escalade she was driving.
The officers administered a field sobriety test -- which Fox was unable to perform. The former "Dancing With the Stars" contestant was then placed under arrest on suspicion of driving under the influence.
Fox was taken to Van Nuys jail where she submitted to two breathalyzer tests. CHP spokesman Leland Tang told TMZ, "It was definitely over the .08 legal limit."
Fox was cited and released on her own recognizance and ordered to appear in court.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Publicity hungry.. Just like always… he rears his ugly head, only when it might mean a little press for him. He wants to be a star so bad, and has ridden my coat tails for years. I wish him luck, he wants it more than anyone I know. He gave everything up for it… period. It’s really too bad that he feels the need to bash me and not accept any blame for his hideous actions… but it will all come out in the end. The truth will set you free. Good luck… J


When Tom Cruise lets his inner control freak get the best of him, there’s one person Katie Holmes, 28, knows she can count on for a shoulder to cry on: her British best friend Victoria Beckham.
“Katie has been crying over the phone,” an insider says. “She’s frustrated. Tom is denying her every single thing.”
The insider adds: “Once, Katie and Victoria talked on the phone for four hours.”
And Beckham has seen how domineering Cruise can be firsthand. A source close to the 44-year-old actor says that he is relentlessly trying to convince the ex-Spice Girl, 32, and her husband, soccer star David Beckham, 31 (who are moving to L.A. this year), to convert to his religion.
“Victoria is sick and tired of Tom being on her back about Scientology,” says the source. “Victoria is an old-fashioned British woman who believes in God. She finds it quite rude that Tom is bugging her so much. Not too long ago, Tom left 18 messages in one hour to get them to join the church.”
The source adds Victoria has put her foot down to Tom’s pressure. “When she says no, she means no.”
Cruise’s rep tells Us, “This is completely false. Tom does not and never has encouraged anyone to adopt Scientology.”
LINDSAY THE WRESTLER Just kidding, but in this picture, she looks like a female wrestler the way she's posing. Yes, I watch wrestling, no I'm not ashamed. Anyway, this is from GQ Magazine. See the rest of the pictures at DLISTED.
JENNA'S EX SPEAKS OUTEarlier I told you about Jenna's post on Myspace. This is what her ex, Jay Grdina, had to say back:
Blah Blah Blah...people in life are amazing! It's funny how individuals always believe their own bullshit.. or basically their side of the story... as flamboyantly as they might want to tell it. Peeps will convince themselves that the shit they spout out of their mouths is the truth and that it justifies everything in their lil realm of reality!! This is man's/woman's best justification of actions and feelings. I love to call it the "Denial Zone". There are always 3 sides to the story and only one side to the truth..It's a funny theory, but it is a reality of life. People in general will always try to blame someone or some thing else for their own faults, inadequacies and/or weaknesses... this is a classic scenario and the best form of defiance! At some point in all of our lives we have to face...REALITY..and the majority of the times its is not fun, exciting, or something anyone wants to deal with. This is when the real people .. the ones with integrity and honesty step out from the pack. I recently read a blog from someone blaming their physical appearance on circumstances and situations.. all of which are completely self perpetuated, on a victim or stress and circumstance. At some point you just have to be honest with yourself... as much as it might hurt and say.. I need help, my life and what I am doing is wrong! At which poijnt you need to become proactive in the rectification of the situation. The saddest point about all of this is that most people have to hit rock bottom b4 they realize this simple truth....this is heart breaking to everyone that loves and supports that person. I always ask myself ...why does it have to get this??? For the people that love and try to help..well...we have an inherent flaw that is in most of us.. we want to help...we always want to come to the rescue; and the person in need has no control; abuses and consumes..consumes like a psychic vampire! Thse are just truths in life i like to pass on.. if they fit in your scenario of life, then appreciate them.  I will never use this forum as a personal place to verbally slaughter people and/or personas....This is a place where I can rant and express.... My theory to life is something that I believe to be helpful... that's it! Take it for what it's worth. I will do a blog later about what is happing in life...the last 4 weeks have been SIIIIIIKKKKK!!!!!  That I will save for the next blog.
SPEAKING OF JENNA . . .If you're into UFC, there's a really good interview with Tito Ortiz (Jenna's boyfriend) at:
Once again, yes, I watch UFC, no I'm not ashamed.

I feel like I need to address the weight rumors that have been swirling for a few months now. This saddens me... only because, everyone that is judging me... has absolutely NO idea what is happening in my life. People are hateful and accuse me of being a drug addict, or an anorexic. Does anyone seem to remember the fact that I am going through a nasty divorce? It has been weighing heavily on me. I worked extremely hard for years to secure my success, and i have been forced to fight for everything I busted my ass for. This has definitely affected my weight. It really hurts that my fans and everyone else) have taken it upon themselves to be so horrible, screaming eat a burger! or we want the old jenna back! I'm sure everyone out there has gone through tough times, and this is when I need support.I wish I could enlighten everyone with what is exactly going on in my divorce and business, but I can't because of legal proceedings. I really hope everyone understands and remembers I am human, and I really need friends and the love and support right now.Soon the divorce will be settled and I am hoping to come out unscathed, but my x is doing his best to make it hard. Thanks for all of your support, and remember
I love you!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I hope this is not true . . . I love them together!!!
According to INO:
“Paris dumped Stavros,” says the insider. “She’s been getting tired of him for a while. She feels he’s just too insecure and immature.”
“Stavros was devastated,” says the insider. “He’s really bummed out. He was crazy about Paris. Paris says she really cares about him as a friend, but she doesn’t want to be in a relationship right now. She loves him, but she’s not in love with him.”

Monday, March 19, 2007